This is a Judicial Scheduler for Attorneys to view/schedule Judicial Calendars for the 20th Judicial Circuit.
Please select county
NO DASHES OR SPACES. For example, 23CA1234 Failure to enter the case number correctly will result in an error. If you have problems scheduling or retrieving Case Info from the external case management system close your browser and re-enter the case number in the correct format.
For first time users, click the "Schedule Time Slots" link, enter your bar number for both user ID and password, select a Judge, and then click "Log in".If you are able to log in, the system will give you the opportunity to set a password of your choice. If you are unable to successfully log-in, send an email with your bar number to [email protected]
Guidelines For Residential Mortgage Foreclosures Only
All Pre-judgment Residential Mortgage Foreclosure hearings are heard by the Foreclosure Senior Judge except Motions to Continue or Stay a case. All post-judgment motions are heard by the assigned Judge with the exception of Motions for Rehearing/Reconsideration of a ruling by the Foreclosure Judge. All hearings before the Senior Judge are by Zoom.
Pre-Judgment Motions Including Motions for Summary Judgments
Motions of 5 minutes or less may be scheduled for hearing in JACS in the designated timeslots between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Motions requiring greater than 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes, may be scheduled for hearing in JACS in the designated timeslots between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The moving party shall coordinate the hearing time with opposing counsel and shall notice all parties of record. To obtain an extended hearing beyond 15 minutes, you must file your Motion with the Clerk of Court, e-mail a copy to [email protected] and you will be contacted by a case manager.
All trials must be coordinated through Civil Case Management. Upon the filing of a Notice of Trial with the Clerk of Court, a copy must be e-mailed to [email protected]
Additional information on residential foreclosure procedures can be found here: https://www.ca.cjis20.org/Programs/Civil-Case-Management/foreclosure.aspx
The available Trial/Motion dates/courtrooms are as follows:
Commercial Foreclosure-Lien Foreclosures-Post Judgment Residential Foreclosures
To schedule a hearing on a Commercial Foreclosure, Lien Foreclosure or Post Judgment Residential Foreclosure case, please refer to the assigned Judge’s information page.
All Other Civil Cases
For information on scheduling hearings in all other civil cases, please refer to the assigned Judge's information page.
The assigned Judge may refer a 10 minutes or longer hearing to a Magistrate.
ATTORNEYS: Please read and follow the Standards of Professional Courtesy and Conduct for Lawyers Practicing in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit found at www.ca.cjis20.org/pdf/ao/ao_2_20.pdf
For first time users, click the "Schedule Time Slots" link, enter your bar number for both user ID and password, select a Judge, and then click "Log in". If you are able to log in, the system will give you the opportunity to set a password of your choice. If you are unable to successfully log-in, send an email with your bar number to [email protected]
General Hearing Guidelines
Local Rules and Standards of Professionalism, as well as the guidelines set forth herein, will be strictly enforced. Any motions not in compliance with these rules may be cancelled by the JA without notice.
Filing of Motion(s) and Coordination of Hearing Time(s). All motions must be filed prior to scheduling. The scheduling party shall make good faith efforts to coordinate the scheduling of hearings with all parties.
JACS Confirmation Number. All of notices of hearings shall specify the Judicial Automated Calendar System (“JACS”) confirmation number.
Limited In-Person Appearance. PURSUANT TO ADMINSTRATIVE ORDER 2.41, absent good cause, all hearings shall be conducted via ZOOM. The appropriate ZOOM ID shall be identified within the notice of hearing. Should a party wish to conduct an in-person hearing, said party shall file a motion setting forth good cause for the in-person hearing and provide a courtesy copy to the Judge’s office.
For first time users, click the "Schedule Time Slots" link, enter your bar number for both user ID and password, select a judge, and then click "Login". The Charlotte county system uses a 6 digit bar number system. If you are able to log in, the system will give you the opportunity to set a password of your choice. If you are unable to successfully login, send an email with your bar number to [email protected]
Until further notice all scheduled Residential Foreclosure hearings will be conducted in Judge Geoffrey H. Gentile virtual courtroom. Hearings will be conducted through video and telephone. The Judges virtual courtroom can be accessed here:
Judge Geoffrey H. Gentile Virtual Court Information
PLEASE BE ADVISED that counsel and unrepresented parties shall follow Administrative Order No. 2.40 regarding the introduction and management of evidence in remote hearings for all evidentiary hearings and non-jury trials
Scheduling Procedure For Family Hearings
For first time users, click the "Schedule Time Slots" link, enter your bar number for both user ID and password, select a judge, and then click "Login". The system will give you the opportunity to set a password of your choice. If you are unable to successfully login, send an email with your bar number to [email protected]
Motion Guidelines
Only contact the Judge's office if your case parameters don't allow you to set the hearing or under special circumstances already listed in the system.
Important Information from the Collier County Clerk of Courts
Effective immediately, NO ENVELOPES AND COPIES REQUIRED.When submitting your transmittal letter and proposed order(s) to the judge, for the (signed) copies to be returned PLEASE ONLY INCLUDE COPIES AND POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPES FOR PRO SE PARTIES. Copies will be returned to all counsels listed on the service list by email from the Clerk's office. The attorneys are responsible for having the correct attorney of record and proper email address on record with the Clerk. You can advise/update the clerk of your email address/lead counsel by filing a "Designation of Email Address" form or change of lead counsel through the e-Portal.
FOR RECOMMENDED ORDERS AND ORDERS ADOPTING: Parties are required to submit self-addressed stamped envelopes for all unrepresented parties for both the Recommended Order and the Order Adopting when exceptions are not waived at the hearing before the Magistrate. If exceptions are waived at the hearing, then parties shall submit envelopes for unrepresented parties only with the Order Adopting. Counsel of record will be e-served copies by the Clerk. Please ensure counsel of record have the correct email address on record with the Clerk.
The functions of JACS include the ability for a confirmation e-mail to be sent automatically to the lead attorney for the Plaintiff and the lead attorney for the Defendant, upon scheduling rescheduling and cancelling a hearing. The way an attorney will receive an e-mail is if you are registered with the Florida Bar Association and have an e-mail address listed. If you do not wish to receive e-mails, you must contact the Florida Bar Association and have your e-mail address removed. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the moving attorney to forward any notice of scheduling, rescheduling or cancelling a hearing, to all attorneys and pro se' parties of record.